BioProduct : Immunology : Antibodies : Secondary Antibodies : L-type Ca++ CP γ4 Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Name L-type Ca++ CP γ4 Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Description "The protein encoded by CACNG4(calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 4) is a type I transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory protein (TARP). TARPs regulate both trafficking and channel gating of the AMPA receptors. CACNG4 is part of a functionally diverse eight-member protein subfamily of the PMP-22/EMP/MP20 family and is located in a cluster with two family members, a type II TARP and a calcium channel gamma subunit."
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Price $100
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Vendor Information
Abbkine Scientific
Bldg 1, Harbour of Technology Times, No.35, Optical Valley Ave
Hubei 430074

Phone: +86-27-59716789
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