BioProduct : Immunology : ELISA : HMGB1 ELISA
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Product Name HMGB1 ELISA
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Product Description Multi-tasker of the innate immune system Over the years, HMGB1 has increasingly attracted the attention of basic as well as clinical researchers and has become one of the most intriguing molecules within the complete arsenal of proteins of the innate immune system. IBL International’s HMGB1 ELISA, which has been developed by Shino-Test Corporation, Japan, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ikuro Maruyama, Kagoshima University, is the worldwide renown assay to quantify HMGB1 in any experimental setting. HMGB1 is a nuclear protein that can bind and bend DNA, but it can also be released to the extracellular environment where it exerts additional functions. The unraveling of the post-translational modifications has led to a better understanding of the mechanism of its translocation and its function within the immune system. It will now also allow more in-depth studies into the role of HMGB1 in numerous pathologies, including Autoimmune diseases Sepsis Cancer Diabetes Cardial infarction Stroke ... any inflammatory process
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Price $1200
SpecificationKit size 12 x 8
Product Review 0
Vendor Information
IBL Internatinal GmbH
Flughafenstr. 52a
Hamburg 22335
