BioProduct : Immunology : Antibodies : Secondary Antibodies : HBAT Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Name HBAT Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Description "Theta-globin mRNA is found in human fetal erythroid tissue but not in adult erythroid or other nonerythroid tissue. The theta-1 gene may be expressed very early in embryonic life, perhaps sometime before 5 weeks. Theta-1 is a member of the human alpha-globin gene cluster that involves five functional genes and two pseudogenes. The order of genes is: 5' - zeta - pseudozeta - mu - pseudoalpha-2 -pseudoalpha-1 - alpha-2 - alpha-1 - theta-1 - 3'. Research supports a transcriptionally active role for the gene and a functional role for the peptide in specific cells, possibly those of early erythroid tissue."
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Price $220
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Vendor Information
Abbkine Scientific
Bldg 1, Harbour of Technology Times, No.35, Optical Valley Ave
Hubei 430074

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