Product Name | Acetyl eIF5A/eIF5A2 (K47) Polyclonal Antibody |
Product Page | Visit the Product |
Product Description | "EIF5A2 is a novel phylogenetically conserved gene for eIF5A and localized in an area of the genome often noted for chromosomal instability in cancers. EIF5A2 expression has been observed in testis, brain and colorectal adenocarcinoma." |
Product Manual | Read Product Manual |
Price | $220 |
Specification | 100μl |
Product Review | 0 |
Vendor Information | Abbkine Scientific Bldg 1, Harbour of Technology Times, No.35, Optical Valley Ave Wuhan Hubei 430074 China Phone: +86-27-59716789 Fax: +86-27-59716788 E-Mail: |