Product Name | Catalog # | Price/Unit | Vendor |
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III | T6534423-Cy | $399 /5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Rhesus) - Normal | T6534448 | $399 /5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I | T6334447 | $399 /5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I | T6334447 | $399/5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Whole Brain Segmentation Panel | T6334035 | $799 /5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Whole Brain Segmentation Panel | T6334035 | $799/5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Rat Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I | T6434448 | $399 /5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Whole Brain - Segmentation Panel | T6334035 | $799 /5 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Human tumor frozen tissue arrays (breast, lung, prostate) | T6235086-1 | $549 /1 slides | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Breast | T6235086-PM | $629/5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Colon | T6235090-PM | $939 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Kidney | T6235142-PM | $939 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Liver | T6235149-PM | $939 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Lung | T6235152-PM | $939 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Rectum | T6235206-PM | $939 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Breast | T6235086-PP | $759 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Colon | T6235090-PP | $499/5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Kidney | T6235142-PP | $759 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Liver | T6235149-PP | $759 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc
Matched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Lung | T6235152-PP | $759 /5 slides x2 | BioChain Institute, Inc