Inducable mammalian expression vector - (Jun/27/2005 )
Has anybody got experience with an inducable mammalian expression vector. If yes what is your experience? Could you recommend to use it?
Thanks for your help!
Has really nobody got experience with that?
I have used several inducable mammalian expressision systems and have not really been happy with any of them. My least favorite is metal inducable promoters which end up producing waste that I have to disinfect and place in toxic waste (I'm in California and sometimes we march toa different drummer) for disposal. All of them I have tried are slightly leaky.
My lab has always used pUHD 10-3 (I think that's what it's called) . It has a hygro marker from pMep4 and is tet inducible. The only problem is that any insert has to be blunt-cloned in because some of the MCS has been lost along the way.