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Cloning RACE products - (May/12/2005 )

Hi all,

Any reason that 3' and 5' RACE products from the Invitrogen RACE system can't be cloned into TA vectors such as TOPO or pGem? It seems like it would be fine but the manual never mentions this option in the cloning section.



Hi grassgirl

We have done it many times with success. After all, a PCR product is a PCR product.

QUOTE (grassgirl @ May 12 2005, 05:15 PM)
Hi all,

Any reason that 3' and 5' RACE products from the Invitrogen RACE system can't be cloned into TA vectors such as TOPO or pGem?  It seems like it would be fine but the manual never mentions this option in the cloning section.


-Great White Northern-