Western blot stripping problem - (Jan/26/2005 )
Hi! I have stained with sucess a protein with 27 KDa, but when I tried use the membrane again to stain other protein, I observed the last bands.
How can I remove Ab 1st stained from my membranes? I have ised strip with NaOH 0.1M.
You can try 62.5 mM Tris pH 6.8, 2% SDS and 100 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. Incubate the membrane at 50ºC for 30 min with ocassional agitation and then wash with TBST and block again.
5 min H2O
5-10 min 0.2 H NaOH
5 min H2O
Works good.
Hi all,
Usually, after I do the 1st stripping, all most proteins in the membrane disappeared ( I checked it by staining that membrane with Ponceau solution) or just remained a little.
The contents of stripping buffer I used is:
+ 0.2 M Glycine (pH 2.5)
+ 0.05% Tween 20
I incubated the membrane at 80oC for 30 minutes. And then, I washed it 10 min x 3 times with TBST before blocking with skim milk.
What's wrong in my method and how can I solve the problem?
Thank you!
i start to see same problems as you and i use the same protocol of stripping. Hence i'm wondering is "our" glycine too old? mine is more than 3 month...
but for stripping protocol, there was a discussion here
from protein and proteomics forum
i start to see same problems as you and i use the same protocol of stripping. Hence i'm wondering is "our" glycine too old? mine is more than 3 month...
Hi Fred,
Thanks for your reply.
Well, but I don't think so. Because another person who taught me that method, he also used the same Glycine with me. And of course, no matter

When you had that problem, how can you overcome it, Fred? You changed with "new" glycine?
i think ph is not that important caus i use pH 2.7 at 80°C for 30'
but the two last stripping were not by shaking i must admit, and the residual bands apperead just in the pas times.
hence i assume that shaking would increase efficiency