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how to deal with photoperiod - (Nov/17/2008 )

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hi guys,

it's amazing how at 4 pm it is already dark, as if it was midnight. i suppose many of you have been raised in northern countries where this usually happens. how do you deal with it? i feel very tired and i think my performance is decreased significantly. i've been trying to get used to it but it's difficult. honestly, i can't imagine how people live up far north, like iceland or finland or russia!
what can you do to stay mentally "sane" in these conditions? i feel every time i'm more distant from people. is this normal? thank you all for your suggestions.



From Québec's point of view, it is not that bad. I've always lived in such conditions, and I suppose I get used to it. I have to confess though that October is the worst month of the year for me, as the photoperiod shrinking gets more visible (it is starting to get dark when you leave the lab). But everything gets back to normal by the end of october.

I also think it is normal fo feel more tired as the sun gets rare. But you should be able to get over it as your body adapts to the situation.

Good luck!


QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 05:21 PM)
hi guys,

it's amazing how at 4 pm it is already dark, as if it was midnight. i suppose many of you have been raised in northern countries where this usually happens. how do you deal with it? i feel very tired and i think my performance is decreased significantly. i've been trying to get used to it but it's difficult. honestly, i can't imagine how people live up far north, like iceland or finland or russia!
what can you do to stay mentally "sane" in these conditions? i feel every time i'm more distant from people. is this normal? thank you all for your suggestions.


It's the "winter blues". I guess many have this slight depression (or seasonal affective disorder) in autumn or winter, because of lack of light (and especially in Scandinavia, that's the reason to have strict rules and high for alcoholic drinks. happy.gif )
This would be one "solution", the other are light panels or pods, lamps with very high brightness (7 - 10,000 lux), and low or no UV. Sit every day in front of it for a minimum time and you feel better after some time. A simple google search, there are many companies and offers, key words: light therapy, SAD, light panels, or winter depression.
I think already for quite a long time to buy one, but they are quite expensive (and I only life in northern Germany glare.gif ).


QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 06:21 PM)
hi guys,

it's amazing how at 4 pm it is already dark, as if it was midnight. i suppose many of you have been raised in northern countries where this usually happens. how do you deal with it? i feel very tired and i think my performance is decreased significantly. i've been trying to get used to it but it's difficult. honestly, i can't imagine how people live up far north, like iceland or finland or russia!
what can you do to stay mentally "sane" in these conditions? i feel every time i'm more distant from people. is this normal? thank you all for your suggestions.


Well, I don't know - if you find a good way, please tell me!!!
I tend to eat more sweets, cuddle in colorful blankets, catch every minute of sunshine and drink warm, flowery scented tea. The last one is vital, especially when it has whole flower petals in it. Many people in Poland are crazy about teas, it helps better than alcohol because you can drink it all day.
And fruits are good. Mostly oranges.
And chocolate, of course, though it clouds thinking, it raises spirit. Buying some plants helps, too.
Just wait for the spring and you'll fully understand what really means the spring madness...


QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 09:21 AM)
hi guys,

it's amazing how at 4 pm it is already dark, as if it was midnight. i suppose many of you have been raised in northern countries where this usually happens. how do you deal with it? i feel very tired and i think my performance is decreased significantly. i've been trying to get used to it but it's difficult. honestly, i can't imagine how people live up far north, like iceland or finland or russia!
what can you do to stay mentally "sane" in these conditions? i feel every time i'm more distant from people. is this normal? thank you all for your suggestions.


laugh.gif tjcito...a month (?) over there and already whining?? C'mon hombre.....this morning was -5 C here (with the windchill)...I forgot my heavy coat and my boots, my tuque and my mitts - I was frozen to the bones (esp my petite ones) laugh.gif but I can empathise, I'll take the cold over the dark anytime. But the dark wouldn't last (well I hope so), you just have to hang in there. I suggest you do more physical activities (don't give in to the temptation of sleeping bec your body is only tricking you) and socialise more even if you have to force yourself to do it....don't you have friendly neighbors you can bug over there...or you can bug us here tongue.gif



QUOTE (casandra @ Nov 17 2008, 08:49 PM)
QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 09:21 AM)
hi guys,

it's amazing how at 4 pm it is already dark, as if it was midnight. i suppose many of you have been raised in northern countries where this usually happens. how do you deal with it? i feel very tired and i think my performance is decreased significantly. i've been trying to get used to it but it's difficult. honestly, i can't imagine how people live up far north, like iceland or finland or russia!
what can you do to stay mentally "sane" in these conditions? i feel every time i'm more distant from people. is this normal? thank you all for your suggestions.


laugh.gif tjcito...a month (?) over there and already whining?? C'mon hombre.....this morning was -5 C here (with the windchill)...I forgot my heavy coat and my boots, my tuque and my mitts - I was frozen to the bones (esp my petite ones) laugh.gif but I can empathise, I'll take the cold over the dark anytime. But the dark wouldn't last (well I hope so), you just have to hang in there. I suggest you do more physical activities (don't give in to the temptation of sleeping bec your body is only tricking you) and socialise more even if you have to force yourself to do it....don't you have friendly neighbors you can bug over there...or you can bug us here tongue.gif


But the cold won't last, too. And for your psyche/mind, short days are important, not cold, and your latitude (south Canada), it is somewhere on the same latitude as south France tongue.gif . Only the short days hurt on the long run, as in Scandinavia, Russia, northern parts of Canada. This are the "dark zones" (and where alcohol can be a problem because of this).
And I forgot as aid of course chocolate, sports, or just to be outdoors and a boy-/girl-friend rolleyes.gif .


QUOTE (hobglobin @ Nov 17 2008, 01:10 PM)
QUOTE (casandra @ Nov 17 2008, 08:49 PM)
QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 09:21 AM)
hi guys,

it's amazing how at 4 pm it is already dark, as if it was midnight. i suppose many of you have been raised in northern countries where this usually happens. how do you deal with it? i feel very tired and i think my performance is decreased significantly. i've been trying to get used to it but it's difficult. honestly, i can't imagine how people live up far north, like iceland or finland or russia!
what can you do to stay mentally "sane" in these conditions? i feel every time i'm more distant from people. is this normal? thank you all for your suggestions.


laugh.gif tjcito...a month (?) over there and already whining?? C'mon hombre.....this morning was -5 C here (with the windchill)...I forgot my heavy coat and my boots, my tuque and my mitts - I was frozen to the bones (esp my petite ones) laugh.gif but I can empathise, I'll take the cold over the dark anytime. But the dark wouldn't last (well I hope so), you just have to hang in there. I suggest you do more physical activities (don't give in to the temptation of sleeping bec your body is only tricking you) and socialise more even if you have to force yourself to do it....don't you have friendly neighbors you can bug over there...or you can bug us here tongue.gif


But the cold won't last, too. And for your psyche/mind, short days are important, not cold, and your latitude, it is somewhere on the same latitude as south France tongue.gif . Only the short days hurt on the long run, Scandinavia, Russia, northern parts of Canada this are the "dark zones".
And I forgot as aid of course chocolate and sports or just to be outdoors rolleyes.gif .

Is this for me or for tj? wacko.gif YOU'RE lecturing ME on coldness and darkness and latitude???'s time to eat some chocolates.... sad.gif


i don't really mind about cold. the thing about light is the one that is affecting me. thank you guys for all your advise. i'd consider getting a girlfriend.... (enlightenment!!) that's where the "you are the sunshine of my life" song makes sense!! all of it!!! however (there's always a however, or in this case many) it would take the time i need to stay out of hours working like all bioforumers biggrin.gif
so casey, have you learned any new tricks with chocolate and cold/dark days?? wink.gif


QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 01:30 PM)
i don't really mind about cold. the thing about light is the one that is affecting me. thank you guys for all your advise. i'd consider getting a girlfriend.... (enlightenment!!) that's where the "you are the sunshine of my life" song makes sense!! all of it!!! however (there's always a however, or in this case many) it would take the time i need to stay out of hours working like all bioforumers biggrin.gif
so casey, have you learned any new tricks with chocolate and cold/dark days?? wink.gif

Nope wacko.gif ....besides, you haven't told us we said, the days are gonna get longer meanwhile you can't continue pining for the mexican sun over there biggrin.gif ...bundle up, go out, drink, do sports, meet new people or old ones, don't mope nor isolate yourself or you're gonna get more depressed.....for more tips, ask dr H laugh.gif ...


QUOTE (casandra @ Nov 17 2008, 09:43 PM)
QUOTE (toejam @ Nov 17 2008, 01:30 PM)
i don't really mind about cold. the thing about light is the one that is affecting me. thank you guys for all your advise. i'd consider getting a girlfriend.... (enlightenment!!) that's where the "you are the sunshine of my life" song makes sense!! all of it!!! however (there's always a however, or in this case many) it would take the time i need to stay out of hours working like all bioforumers biggrin.gif
so casey, have you learned any new tricks with chocolate and cold/dark days?? wink.gif

Nope wacko.gif ....besides, you haven't told us we said, the days are gonna get longer meanwhile you can't continue pining for the mexican sun over there biggrin.gif ...bundle up, go out, drink, do sports, meet new people or old ones, don't mope nor isolate yourself or you're gonna get more depressed.....for more tips, ask dr H laugh.gif ...

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.

Some women even like the developing tummy wink.gif .


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