paper chromatography - (Oct/16/2008 )
im running a UDP(C14)-sugar +A on paper chromatography and found the radioactive spot (yellow) did not align to whr i dotted it on d baseline (yellow). i have
tried twice and both times gave me similar results.
previous run (with different sample: UDP-C14-sugar + was well-aligned to d base spot.
A and B are supposed to retain at base line so i dont thinnk they affect d UDP-sugar.
anyone can suggest what might b happening?thanks
a couple of thoughts.
are you sure the paper was placed in the apparatus straight?
even slightly off may cause the skewing that you are seeing.
it can be caused by uneven thickness (side-to-side) of the paper. this would cause the mobile phase to run unevenly down the paper.
are you sure the paper was placed in the apparatus straight?
even slightly off may cause the skewing that you are seeing.
it can be caused by uneven thickness (side-to-side) of the paper. this would cause the mobile phase to run unevenly down the paper.
its an ascending paper chromatography. my reaction is greenish in color and at the end (top) of the paper i can see a faint mark of greenish color that is aligned to the spot i spotted on the baseline. Seems like it has ran straight but dunno why the UDP-sugar was skewed.
attached is the actual chromatogram...have tried to place the spot with a cross in a circle......(left pic). the two left spots seem to have skewed to right while the right to spots seemed aligned. Have also included another chromatogram (right) that ran ok for comparison....UDP-sugar was above the dotted spot at baseline. Thanks
it could be due to overloaded or less soluble sample spots that force the solvent to go around.