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seeding in 96 well plate - (Aug/13/2008 )

Hi guys I’m new in this field I have a very simple question I want to seed 2*105 in 96well plate so any one have a an idea how to do that and protocols.

Thank you so much


QUOTE (biomaher @ Aug 13 2008, 03:18 PM)
Hi guys I’m new in this field I have a very simple question I want to seed 2*105 in 96well plate so any one have a an idea how to do that and protocols.

Thank you so much

what type of cells are you using, and what are you planning on doing with them? This will determine the volume you can use. If you are planning to treat the cells with something you need considerwhich volume you will need to add later, if you are working with adherent cells this isnt much of a problem as you can remove the media and add more, but if cells are in suspension you'd definitely will have to take this into account.

If volume is not an issue I would resuspend the cells at 1x10^6 cells per ml and then add 200ul per well.

-almost a doctor-

Will I’m using Hek293 (adherent cells) and I want to test my expression vector (GFP) just regular transfection.
