how long can I keep a ligation reaction going at 4 C? - (Jul/08/2008 )
I set up a ligation reaction yesterday evening at 4C for overnight reaction but this morning I find the transformation kit(stratagene XL-10 Gold ultracomp cells) has not arrived long can I keep my lig mix at 4 C? Or should I just put it in -20C and do it whenever the kit comes? Would it affect the process in anyway? Thanx ppl!
QUOTE (biorules @ Jul 8 2008, 07:28 AM)
I set up a ligation reaction yesterday evening at 4C for overnight reaction but this morning I find the transformation kit(stratagene XL-10 Gold ultracomp cells) has not arrived long can I keep my lig mix at 4 C? Or should I just put it in -20C and do it whenever the kit comes? Would it affect the process in anyway?
Thanx ppl!

Either way is good.
keeping at -20 probably better, slower kinetic. only if u want to keep it like for months. if only for few days, fridge will do. =)
QUOTE (timjim @ Jul 8 2008, 12:21 PM)
keeping at -20 probably better, slower kinetic. only if u want to keep it like for months. if only for few days, fridge will do. =)
