I am getting lazy - (May/31/2008 )
I am not able to concentrate on my write up. Getting lazy and started to do some thing else rather to write up, actually i am not able to concentrate on my write up. What thins should one do to keep on concentrating the write up. I am getting lose my track.
Your advice will be valuable for me.
best regards
I know just what you mean, suddenly doing the washing up is the most important job in the world .... or you must really go and clean under the bed/mow the grass/take the dog for a walk/redecorate the living room!
It doesn't always work for me but you could try copying your working hours, for example I usually start working in the lab around 9am, break for coffee at 10.30, back to work at 11, break for lunch at 1pm etc. You could try to copy this schedule while writing up, write for 90 mins, break for 30 mins.
I tried it the last time I had some heavy duty writing to do and kept up to it (for the most part anyway!)
usually deadlines are approaching very fast, so I always could kick myself for fooling around
but set deadlines....for me this is the best motivation and the only possibility to get things done...
and keep in mind all the time you could spend with the things you like to do (like playing with the dog ) if you do your work concentrated and quick (ok I know I am talking about utopia now
but at least the theory sounds good)
Your advice will be valuable for me.
best regards
Some ideas:
1. Read some very influential papers in your field for inspiration, and then try to imagine how your paper might have an impact.
2. Write the easy part first, such as materials and methods - save the conclusion and intro for last.
3. Keep writing even if it sounds like trash and doesn't make any sense - you can and will fix it later, the important thing is to get some words down to get yourself over the hump.

Hi smu2, Thank you for your ideas...