amaxa nucleofection - (May/25/2008 )
does anyone know the difference between the amaxa nuleofection and a normal elektroporation?
How is it possible to bring you eg shRNA directly in the nucleus with amaxa nucleofection? Does this elektroporation also elektroporate the nucleus?
The technique is proprietary, so it's hard to tell exactly what's going on.
All I know (from colleague's using amaxa) is that it's a very efficient for transfection of cell lines (that other methods can't efficiently tranfect) and primary cells.
amaxa is very secretive about their nucleofection technology. I've used it myself a few times on primary cells, but without any luck.
Yeah, that's very true. Have you used the optimization kit?
it was a while ago. I don't believe I did use the optimization kit. Did it help you out with your transfections?
I haven`t tried it. Luckily, I have got the "normal" electroporation protocol for my cell line. So, I try that one (now). I guess, the kits are all expensive although I heard that with Amaxa sysytem one uses less DNA, the viability of cells is higher and also the transfection is more efficient.
The cell line I was using at the time was a pain to work with. We switched to the calcium phosphate method and had success with that. The efficiency wasn't all that great, but percentage of cell viability remained high.