tools like Cn3D ! - (May/10/2008 )
don't know how to explain my inquiry !!
but, how does tools like Cn3D and others work !!
i am not an expert in programming, but can i design similar simple tools ?!!
hi strawberry,
sure you can design similar simple tools, but can't you find one that fits to your needs? if you need to start programming there are tutorials online, if you're to do so i'd recommend there's a perl and a python tutorial. good luck!
thnx toejam...
how such tools are done, by which programs/software !!
i've little experience with some programs like C++ !!!
i started to learn python yesterday, it's similar to C++
but till now, idon't know if i can design 3D structures with it or not !!
but till now, idon't know if i can design 3D structures with it or not !!
to be honest, i have no idea how to make programs to visualize 3D your project regarding viewing 3D structures or a program to do it?
no toejam
there is no project
it's just that i want to learn something new, at least better than doing nothing !