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Safe disposal of powder acrlamide - (Mar/16/2008 )


Acrlamide has been stored for long now I want to discard it. So please tell me the procedure for safe disposal of powder acrylamide. Thanking in advance.


Ummm... Powder Acrylamide is a dangerous neurotoxic that I wouldn't recommend working with (you're better off buying liquid acrylamide next time...). My suggestion would be to polymerize it before discarding, although it might be a pain if you have a lot to get rid of.

-erica arborea-

QUOTE (aashu @ Mar 16 2008, 11:40 PM)

Acrlamide has been stored for long now I want to discard it. So please tell me the procedure for safe disposal of powder acrylamide. Thanking in advance.

solve it in water at high concentration, and polymerize with TEMED and APS; polyacrylamide is non-toxic

-The Bearer-