Happy B'day phage434 - & Good Luck (Jan/24/2008 )
Happy B'day and good luck in coming days; wish U a grand success in amplifying your happiness.
Be with us here ever after.
happy birthday phage434
enjoy your time
Wish you a wonderful birthay dear Phage434...
Happy Birthday, Phage434.
Hope you have a great year !!!
Happy birthday, Phage434
I think you may need a big birthday cake to put 60 candles.
Happy birthday!
happy birthday!!! Luckily I didnt miss it.
Happy birthday phage434
The wisest of the baby boomers eh Phage? I was gonna ask you if you've already seen the flow chart of life's goals like I did mdfenko (you can still view it here , btw are you still on schedule?
) but since you're an older elder, you deserve a better toast.
Sooo how does it feel to belong to a generation which has seen almost everything.....the Vietnam war, the peace movement, JFK, Martin Luther King, the women's movement, the cold war, internet, and more strikingly Star Wars (the movie), the plasma TV, cable and reality shows, from the DNA helix to the mapping of the human genome etc. etc. etc. Is the the world getting a little better and is science and technology doing a good job? What dya think?
to your health,
BTW, just in case you ignore this...happy birthday anyways....
happy birthday to the only forum member willing to admit to being older than i am.
a toast to phage434, "the" elder.