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sds page bands appearing below expected for crp - sds page bands appearing below expected (Dec/15/2007 )

Hi! I am using 10 % sds page mini gel preparation.I cast my own gel using regular protocol.

Normally when i run C reactive protein sample for a a 10 % sds gel i get the band half way through the length of the gel.
Now i have casted a fresh batch of sds gel but i am getting crp bands way below the expected positon almost at the end {3/4 th length of gel] of the gel length.
What may have been the problem?


QUOTE (arachis @ Dec 15 2007, 09:22 AM)
Hi! I am using 10 % sds page mini gel preparation.I cast my own gel using regular protocol.

Normally when i run C reactive protein sample for a a 10 % sds gel i get the band half way through the length of the gel.
Now i have casted a fresh batch of sds gel but i am getting crp bands way below the expected positon almost at the end {3/4 th length of gel] of the gel length.
What may have been the problem?

self-cast gels are hardly to re-produce 100%ly; better use reference standard proteins to calibrate your system

-The Bearer-

are you sure you added the correct amount of acrylamide?

used the right acrylamide stock (acrylamide concentration and acryl/bis ratio)?

added the correct amount of other components?

ensure that you actually have a 10% gel.

did you let the acrylamide polymerize completely?

was your electrode buffer fresh? was it made correctly?

check the pH and also ensure that it is the right concentration.


I do not agree with the difficulty of reproducing self-casted gels, but I agree on using a commercial protein ladder.

As for what may be the problem, there can be many things! Maybe the % of acrylamide of your gel was not good, maybe the voltage was set too high, maybe the gel migrated too long, etc.


Thanks guys for all the replies.May be the gel migrated to long or may be some problem with polymerization.
