Happy B'day T. reesei - Wishes, Cookies, and Flowers (Oct/01/2007 )
Happy B'day T. reesi.
May your ligation work in the coming new year in your life.
-Bungalow Boy-
Happy B'day T. reesi.
have a nice day!
happy birthday, t. reesei.
Happy birthday
Happy happy birthday, t. reesei.
i'm still late on birhdays...
thanks everybody........thanks a lot for your wishes
bungalow boy
1. tonight i couldn't sleep because of phone calls to wish me.............
2. today i got lots of emails for b'day wish
but the best (perfect) wish i got from you, all day when i remember this i burst out in laugh ....thank u
-T. reesei-
a but late. but
Happy Birthday!