Lab's Murphy's Laws - Maybe pesimistic (Sep/08/2007 )
Murphy's laws. Here it goes in the field of gene targeting
1. If you need agarose plates, they have fungi
2. Be keen to modify protocol if changing thermocycler.
3. If plasmid electroporation is due to next week, you wont be able to grow it for 2 weeks.
4. If your enzyme cuts once in DNA ENSEMBL sequence, it wont cut or cut more than once in your sample.
5. You found perfect enzyme for southern? change it, its DAM, DCM blocked.
6. Background in your southern, western, northern is likely to appear in a limited space within your expected band.
7. The only positive clone you found after 400 clones screening its not positive.
8. The amount of minipreps to do is directly proportional to your desire to find the positive clone.
9. Positive thoughts seconds befere developing southern, northern, western are indication of extreme failure.
10. Thanks to Murphys laws, the failure can go wrong. Think negative.
Hot glass looks exactly like cold glass.
Until you touch it... OoCH ...

11. The moment you start to believe that you are any good at what you have been doing for the past year, is the exact moment when it stops working.
Since it is obligatory that one tip is always floating in the elution buffer, you should drop a yellowtip in as soon as you open the kit.
At least then, you know where it's been...
a simply ligation... MONTHS!!
i really want to know what is wrong with my vector.

You try and try and try to get something to work- unsuccessfully, only to have the COMPLETELY useless, incompetent, lazy and selfish grad student to get there's to work first go.
WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where is the justice? though, i'm the completely useless, incompetent, lazy and selfish grad student .
i quite convinced that hard work has nothing to with getting results. it's all down to luck (and/or magic).
I agree!
Hardwork is only correlated with misery, tears and toil. You just end up wondering "what have I been doing with all my time?"
it has nothing to do with either luck or magic, V
you simply have to burn little PI effigies made out of discarded labtape, do your little dance around your lab espresso machine at 1 am, and give all your money to the Homeless Labrats Fund...then your experiments always work