Exposed X-ray films - (Sep/06/2007 )
Hi there!
Can anyone suggest a way of knowing whether x-ray films have been accidently exposed or not? I have been getting partially black films after ECL.
well just develop one of your box without any exposure to light or ECL or radioactivity and you'll see if you have background.
Thanks for your reply Fred. But the problem is that light seems to have "leaked" into the the X-ray film box so that I occasionally get dark corners or half-dark films on exposure which ruin even a good blot! I wish I could simply "spot" and discard the films that have gone bad without having to develop them!
Thanks for your reply Fred. But the problem is that light seems to have "leaked" into the the X-ray film box so that I occasionally get dark corners or half-dark films on exposure which ruin even a good blot! I wish I could simply "spot" and discard the films that have gone bad without having to develop them!
your problem occasionally happens; develope one sheet of the middle of your package and monitor the enlighted area which you have to cut off for each sheet
if your film package has become even partially exposed and you can't trust the films then you must discard the package and get a new one. you don't want to waste your valuable time and samples and materials on something from which you won't be able to trust the results. a new pack of film is ultimately cheaper.
caming back to that topic, i agree with mdfenko. I was guessing you regulary had exposed films on roughy same corner/side of the film. that's why i was saying revealing an unexposed one could tell were are te exposed zone of your films. The fact you tell it's not all times makes these films out of trust. So discard them.
Thanks Fellows!