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Case of the disappearing cDNA - (Aug/01/2007 )

cDNA was synthesized from tRNA (Trizol method). The cDNA kit used was from Fermentas (and i used random hexamers).
I used the cDNA for a PCR reaction right after it was synthesized, and got a nice band of expected size. I froze the cDNA in -20C, and the next day, had to use it to amplify another transcript... and got no product. On the third day, I recheck it with control primers (which worked on day I) and still got no product...

Has anyone experienced this before? How can I keep the cDNA from 'disappearing' so I do not have to re-do cDNA synthesis 'everyday'...??!!

thanks! blush.gif


QUOTE (lurena @ Aug 1 2007, 03:50 PM)
cDNA was synthesized from tRNA (Trizol method). The cDNA kit used was from Fermentas (and i used random hexamers).
I used the cDNA for a PCR reaction right after it was synthesized, and got a nice band of expected size. I froze the cDNA in -20C, and the next day, had to use it to amplify another transcript... and got no product. On the third day, I recheck it with control primers (which worked on day I) and still got no product...

Has anyone experienced this before? How can I keep the cDNA from 'disappearing' so I do not have to re-do cDNA synthesis 'everyday'...??!!

thanks! blush.gif

Well I keep my cDNA's at -20 for much longer than one day. What is different about your PCR? I would guess it to be a PCR related problem before I say the cDNA disappeared.
You should be able to keep it at least 6 months at -20, given that you take care of it- thaw it on ice a couple minutes before you want to use it and briefly microfuge before each use.
Maybe troubleshoot your PCR?

Is it possible that may be one of the solutions could be contaminated which is degrading the DNA.
