distance learning - (Apr/22/2007 )
hi guys,
recently, i'm trying to find a scholarship or at least summer training, i found some sites listing distance-learning degress , i don't think they are effective, especially for subjects involving labs like biology....did u try studying by this way, what do you think!!
I did a year-long advanced certificate in protein structure at Birkbeck College, in the University of London. Because essentially everything was in silico already, there were no real traumas. It was actually hardest for the tutors, because the students were spread thru Europe and North America, and online discussion sessions were at all hours of the night! But you're right, if it's a strongly biology course, there could be issues (but you'd hope they would have already considered that...)
although i do not encourage distance learning, however i think its still better than having nothing at all
yes, you're right, but you have to be assured about every thing