How to prepare figures for Nature - A great example (Apr/14/2007 )
cropped. These bands were then placed in Illustrator to generate the figures.
For details, see the text and figures in the attached file.
Wow! At least, somebody must have forced them to say the truth, eh? Nothing more annoying than a corrigendum for a nature paper ... or maybe, having no nature paper is even more annoying? Maybe I should adopt that trick
is this real?
This is plain horrible.
What a great example! Thank you PCRman. I love Nature you make our life a lot of easier. I have a database of PCR and western blot bands of different shapes, density, I am good at using illustrator. I am going to submit one (no I mean two) paper to Nature tomorrow. Don't say I have done something wrong I just follow the perfect example given by you.
simply unbeliveable
but as a general statement, I don't like the habit, that nowadays westernblots and gels are not shown as a whole anymore. I understand that is is more compact, to just display the bands, but it's not really scientific

but as a general statement, I don't like the habit, that nowadays westernblots and gels are not shown as a whole anymore. I understand that is is more compact, to just display the bands, but it's not really scientific
Here is the original paper...[attachment=2885:nature04431.pdf]
How in hell do they achieve such efficiency with their knockdown?!
Got the answer, thanks.