REST-MCS data entry problems - (Dec/06/2006 )
I'm trying to use the new version of REST-MCS for my qPCR data and need some help. Was hoping someone on this forum already using this would be able to give me some advice.
Hi Andrew,
If you explain us a bit more about which kind of problems are you finding with the REST software, we might be able to help you...
Yeah specifically its with the CP input and randomisation test tab. I've inputted my data and clicked on the 'Run condition 1 Pairwise fixed reallocation randomisation test' but when i highlight my data and click ok i get the error message 'Need more than one column'. Any ideas??
Sorry for late reply....
How many columns and what's the n per column that you are filling in? I think I had these problem once and it had something to do with that...