Help with a project on flow cytometer - (Oct/25/2006 )
I need to think of a ptoject (for an undergraduate classroom) that can be performed using a flow cytometer but it cannot be health related (ie no cell cycle = cancer, etc). Its for a grant to the NSF which will not fund work that is health related.
I thought maybe apoptosis, but what would the project be?
Thanks in advance if anyone can think of something
Oh and I can't do immunology since that is not my area
I need to think of a ptoject (for an undergraduate classroom) that can be performed using a flow cytometer but it cannot be health related (ie no cell cycle = cancer, etc). Its for a grant to the NSF which will not fund work that is health related.
I thought maybe apoptosis, but what would the project be?
Thanks in advance if anyone can think of something
Oh and I can't do immunology since that is not my area
it sounds somehow strange to think first of a method and then of the scientific aim; I recommend to study the brochures of companies who supply FACS apparatus such as BD, and where thex give examples for applications
Bioforum has also a homework section which may be more suitable
What is your area? It might be easier to suggest something if we knew. You would seem to a be a bit limited if you can't look at anything health-related. Can you look at basic cell biology? In which case proliferation, apoptosis and activation of cellular signalling pathways are all things you could look at using a flow cytometer, just don't give them a disease/health-related spin.