calculations of western bands - which software is better? (Aug/07/2006 )
some poeple i see publish their results using imageJ in calculating the bands. what is the difference between imageJ and photoshop let's say concerning band calculations? if i have two bands one native and one cleaved of the same protein, can I just calculate their band intersities without any standard using some software...? some poeple publish data like this and say its quantitative...
i always use BioRad's Quantity One for these sort of applications...
QUOTE (Kathy @ Aug 8 2006, 04:52 AM)
some poeple i see publish their results using imageJ in calculating the bands. what is the difference between imageJ and photoshop let's say concerning band calculations?
if i have two bands one native and one cleaved of the same protein, can I just calculate their band intersities without any standard using some software...? some poeple publish data like this and say its quantitative... 

I didn't know you could use photoshop for that. But yes, if you can determine the intensity of the bands that's fine. you can compare both bands.( Don't forget the background). you can calculate the ration between the two bands. Be careful also not to over-expose. you should use an exposure not too long, so that you can still increase the darkness of the band by increasing the exposure time.
BioRad's Quantity One is my choice as well.... works great!