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forum etiquette for asking for things? - can i scrounge? (Jul/17/2006 )

hi all
i'm after a commercial vector that costs way too much for my lab to purchase.....
just checking if it is appropriate for me to ask on the forum before I go ahead and ask....!!!!


You can ask for it here, but best post it in the Product section.




QUOTE (aussieuk @ Jul 17 2006, 09:01 AM)
hi all
i'm after a commercial vector that costs way too much for my lab to purchase.....
just checking if it is appropriate for me to ask on the forum before I go ahead and ask....!!!!

Which vector is it and which company ?


pOG44 invitrogen
(or anything expressing Flp (flippase))


QUOTE (aussieuk @ Jul 18 2006, 02:27 AM)
pOG44 invitrogen
(or anything expressing Flp (flippase))

Sorry, Dont have any vector with flippase.
