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Must all BSP be nested PCR? - (May/18/2006 )

Hello,everyone. I am a newcomer of the Forum. Now, I have some questions.
1 For BSP, must I do the second round PCR?
2 I do the BSP using reference'primers, but I got no bands, I don't know why?


QUOTE (swj @ May 18 2006, 11:27 PM)
Hello,everyone. I am a newcomer of the Forum. Now, I have some questions.
1 For BSP, must I do the second round PCR?
2 I do the BSP using reference'primers, but I got no bands, I don't know why?

You donot have to do a second round PCR.What Taq DNA polymerase do you use?I suggest you should the hot start Taq.I just do a 30 cycles and get my bands.



QUOTE (Jim006 @ May 18 2006, 07:25 PM)
QUOTE (swj @ May 18 2006, 11:27 PM)

Hello,everyone. I am a newcomer of the Forum. Now, I have some questions.
1 For BSP, must I do the second round PCR?
2 I do the BSP using reference'primers, but I got no bands, I don't know why?

You donot have to do a second round PCR.What Taq DNA polymerase do you use?I suggest you should the hot start Taq.I just do a 30 cycles and get my bands.


Jim, Thank you for your help. I use the hotstar Taq polymerase from Takara. But I get no band. Can you supply your reaction system and amplification programme for me ?


Try lowering your extension temperature to 65C and increasing your extension time by 1.3x or so. See pubmed 8628694.


Thank you, Phaqe. I got the paper, I will do experiment again according the article.
But ,yesterday, I got a strange result. After second PCR, I got a band in the sample well. Could you explain it for me?Thank you very much!
