Reusing Qiagen Tips - (Apr/27/2006 )
What do you think of this protocol to reuse Qiagen Tips? Have anyone told us their experience using it? Is it reliable?
- Wash Qiagen tips with 2-3 volumes 5M NH(4)Ac, pH 9.5.
- Then 3 volumes water.
- Finally 2-3 volumes 96% EtOH.
- Then place a paper towel on top of the tip and blow out residual EtOH using pressured air (not necessary with miniprep columns), place the tip at 42 degrees ON. The tips can be regenerated app. 5x.
i used to use little bit different protocol from yours, and i could use it for 3X successfully.
with regards
Could you post it, please? I would like to know the different possibilities available.