Evolution!? - (Mar/16/2006 )
Hi all..
Can u plz (detail-ly) define "Evolution" for me..
(plz include the aim of evolution in it, and the process of it -if any- is it directed by/towards something?)
I asked also coz i wanna know if there were "a so-called perfectly fit" specie on the universe.. would it stop evolving? (there's nothing stopping it from undergoing mutation, right? but would this mutation lead to evolution?)
Plz clear my doubts:)
PS: Sorry.. resending this one.. under the new subforum!
not like I'm an expert, but it seems to me that there could never be a 'perfect species' outside the realm of theory
the world is constantly changing. I suppose a species could be 'perfect' for it's time and place, but this would not continue through time. another thought, species that have been the same for many many generations could approach perfection, I guess? but again, the world is in a state of flux when you look at the long term and I do not think that there is an evolutionary endpoint that would remain perfect forever
how about crocodiles, turtles and roaches?
I was thinking of those, and also of sharks and perhaps some other 'prehistoric' marine life
but I am not assuming they will remain so well-adapted through time, even though they seem pretty close to 'perfect species' right now
Are human still evolving?
In future, will human being have a larger brain?
Do smart people have a bigger brain?
My head is smaller than average, therefore my brain is also small.
My IQ is OK (I think) as I am doing PhD.
In future, will human being have a larger brain?
did you see the new scientist article? it asked the same question. they decided that some people think we are evolving, and other people think we aren't evolving (duh). http://www.newscientist.com/channel/earth/...925422.700.html

IQ and PhD don't necessarily correlate. in fact, i've met some who make it appear to be inversely proportional.
Human are definately evolving, although I think the ethical issues attached to research in that field might result in it not being pursued in the near future.
Since Evolution is based on adaption to the environment, one only needs to consider how rapidly our environment is changing, to guage what kinda evolutionary forces are acting on humans
but all in all an interesting topic
consider this: as we control our environment more and more (eg- live in a heated and air conditioned house) will we be slowing our own evolution? we'll be adapting our environment to us.
I think it was evolution that makes us so able to adapt our environment
slowing? or moving it in another direction?