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Favorite Western blot transfer apparatus - (Feb/15/2006 )

Hi all,
Can you comment on your favorite Western blot transfer apparatus? Much appreciated.

I ask because our lab is currently looking for another PAGE electrophoresis system. If you didn't know, BioRAD recently discontinued their miniPROTEAN II system, and therefore stopped selling the glass plates. We can find no company within the continental US that sells similar glass plates at a resonable price. So rather than upgrade to their new glass plate system, we are spending roughly the same amount to move into Invitrogen's Xcell Surelock. The question remains, what is your favorite transfer apparatus?? Thanks


Buy a big piece of thin glass and cut it into the required size with a industrial glass cutter, then sand the edges.

-Minnie Mouse-

invitrogen Xcell is easy to use, always clean, no flood, but expensive.
If you are able to take care of the glasses, just stay with biorad, and ask for a shop to cut the right pieces of glass. The problem is that you may have to take more care of the glasses because more fragile.
