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Corynebacterium primorioxydans - Production of biotin using corynebacterium primorioxydans (Feb/03/2006 )

I am working on this project using this microorganism (corynebacterium primorioxydans) to produce biotin. However i can't find much info on the procedure to achieve this.
1) How do i go about the culturing of this microorganism?-
2) Do i need different media(s) for its isolation/identification as well as preparing a glycerol stock of this organism and for growing it/maintenance for the production of biotin. which is recommendable?
3) what growth cycle does biotin originate from and what carbon source is recommended?

Please has anybody worked with this organism as i can't find much info about it. sad.gif

Thank you in advance!!


Ogino S, et al.. Microbial production of biotin. US Patent 3,859,167 dated Jan 7 1975
Get the patent from

The ATCC web site has this culture medium:

ATCC medium: 841 Bouillon medium
Beef extract.................5.0 g
Peptone.....................15.0 g
NaCl.........................5.0 g
K2HPO4 .......................5.0 g
Distilled water..............1.0 L
Adjust pH to 7.0.

Their number is ATCC 31015. See
