How to purify PCR product? - (Jan/17/2006 )
ok i have decided to ligate I have my PCR product last time i have purified it by phenol/chloroform extraction...but i think maybe it was not enough...we dont have any purification kits in the should I try gel purification instead? will that remove taq and nucleotides and everything? what do you think? any help appreciated....
and also after digestion with my enzymes just before do u suggest I purify it? im thinking of purifying my vector by gel should I also purify my PCR like that together with the vector to save time? will that be ok?
I would trust the phenol-chloroform method more... fewer steps - less chances of loosing the DNA... but then again i could be biased... i have just done it sooooooo many times that i feel fail proof at it! *fingers crossed*
buying a small kit might be a good idea though... u can get some from Qiagen that are quite cheap too...
thank you for your u think that phenol chloroform will be just enough to remove dNTPs and Taq additional purifications are needed?..because in the molecular cloning methods there are some steps to remove dNTPs which seems complicated .....
I have used it successfully before.... u do really need to be careful though... carry over as little as possible...
good luck!