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query about 4 parameter curve fits, log/logit curve fits and excel - (Dec/22/2005 )

Does anyone know how to use excel to generate the above curves (4 parameter curve fits, log/logit curve fits)? I've just completed an elisa plate and was wondering how I could generate those curve fits. Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!


QUOTE (sayukri @ Dec 22 2005, 09:26 AM)
Does anyone know how to use excel to generate the above curves (4 parameter curve fits, log/logit curve fits)? I've just completed an elisa plate and was wondering how I could generate those curve fits. Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

HI! normally you can generate these using softwares that come with the ELISA reader. Also using excel you can generate log(Abs)V/s log(conc) get a straight trendline and use the equation to find the conc from the samples. These curve are good too.
