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MJ Research Opticon troubles - (Nov/01/2005 )

Hello everyone,

I'm a grad student doing some work using RT qPCR. I've been using MJ Research Opticon 2 engine SYBR-green system to look at induction/expression of target genes with an 18S standard. Usually, my 18S standard always comes out with very tight c(t) values. However, recently in my last few experiments, I noticed that samples placed on the top rows of the heating block were not giving me any signal and samples on the lower rows gave very sporadic readings. I am fairly sure that it is not a contamination/reagent issue since I have ran several trials under different conditions to eliminate that possiblity. Every batch I run shows the same pattern - no signal/poor signal in top rows, and weak/sporadic signal in lower rows. This leads me to believe that there may be something wrong with the heating block or detector on the Opticon 2 engine. However, due to the court injunction, Biorad is UNABLE to provide any type of tech support or advice whatsoever. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light onto this problem or point me to a place where I can find some assistance. Thank you!



Hello friend,

no signal/poor signal in top rows, and weak/sporadic signal in lower rows.

Please check you masking alignment of the machine.

Best regards
