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Thaw Related Discussions
  1. Thawing cells - (reply: 2)
  2. Glutaraldehyde solution - ok to freeze thaw or should aliquot? - (reply: 1)
  3. RNA Freeze/Thaw and NanoDrop Concentration - (reply: 1)
  4. rna thawing - (reply: 4)
  5. thawing effect or passage number? Colony formation varies.. - (reply: 4)
  6. Fixed frozen mouse brain sections crack after thawing, repeatedly - (reply: 3)
  7. Which is a better way to culture cells after thawing ? - (reply: 2)
  8. Freeze Thawing Chemicals - (reply: 9)
  9. Mouse hearts in OCT - freeze/thaw: damage? - (reply: 1)
  10. Thawing Hek 233t cells- but cells dying!! - (reply: 3)
  11. cells die 4-6 days after thawing - (reply: 8)
  12. NIH3T3 cells are suddenly dying a few days after thawing and expanding - (reply: 1)
  13. phosphate + freeze thaw vs RIPA buffer for cell lysis - (reply: 2)
  14. Thawing PBMCs - (reply: 3)
  15. could freezing/thawing make mammalian cells competent - could it change phenotype back? (reply: 6)
  16. Why does freezing/thawing DNA samples first improve PCR results? - (reply: 8)
  17. Difficulty of thawing H9c2 - (reply: 3)
  18. Problem with Thawing (Freezing) - (reply: 3)
  19. MDA-MB-231 cell culture issue - after thawing first passage is fine, next goes bad (reply: 7)
  20. Extensive MEF death upon thawing - (reply: 1)
  21. Thaw HEK293 - (reply: 2)
  22. Accidental thawing of frozen cells - (reply: 3)
  23. Low adherence in thawed HUVEC - HUVEC won't attach after thawing (reply: 4)
  24. To thaw or not to thaw - (reply: 4)
  25. How often do you thaw new cells? - passage number or time? (reply: 7)
  26. problem on removing coverslip for FISH after liquid N2 freezing - when it's still frozen or after thawing? (reply: 1)
  27. Thawing and Plating - (reply: 4)
  28. Thawing and Plating - (reply: 1)
  29. Newbie question: Stability of protein lystates - Freeze/thaw cycles affect phosphate groups? (reply: 2)
  30. Repeat thawing and freezing of antibiotics? - (reply: 9)
  31. HACAT cells - very low cell viability after thawing cells (reply: 18)
  32. method of thawing microsomes - (reply: 1)
  33. Freeze thawing RNA - (reply: 4)
  34. Tips and FAQs about freezing and thawing cells - Abcam (reply: 26)