Smear Related Discussions
ITS gene PCR Smears - (reply: 6)
Why is the smearing becoming different in the polyacrylamide gel than the agaros - (reply: 2)
Blood smear what is on picture. - (reply: 1)
agarose electrophoresis gel has 500 bp bright smear after mini prep - (reply: 1)
PCR of bisulfite converted DNA is now producing a smear? Previously produced a s - (reply: 2)
Huge Smear in EMSA - (reply: 2)
Smear formed in western blots while using tubulin as control - (reply: 4)
a smeared Gen-DNA template ---> smear and less yield on pcr ? - (reply: 1)
Staph.aureus from the urogenital smear - (reply: 4)
smear in gel electrophoresis after PCR - (reply: 2)
smear in SDS PAGE - (reply: 4)
Reappearing band shifts/smears after double digest and gel purification - (reply: 2)
Plasmid Extraction from P. Aeruginosa smears in Gel! - (reply: 2)
Smear after digestion of a plasmid from a Dam- strain - (reply: 1)
Please help with odd bands and smears on Western blot - (reply: 4)
Smear in plasmid sample - (reply: 9)
Smear on agarose gel from QIAGEN extracted plant samples - (reply: 1)
smearing below band of interest - (reply: 5)
PCR smear for genomic samples - (reply: 4)
PCR malaria diagnosis nested PCR smear and non specific bands - (reply: 3)
PCR smearing and...problems! - (reply: 7)
Smear above plasmid dna - (reply: 3)
smear restriction digest - (reply: 1)
problem in making a proper smear for nile blue staining of an unknown yeast - (reply: 2)
PCR smear after one-month storage - (reply: 2)
smear bands in western blot - (reply: 12)
horizontal smear? - (reply: 2)
Smears after protein precipitation - (reply: 4)
Fc fusion protein smearing on SDS PAGE - (reply: 2)
smearing in western blotting - (reply: 4)
Strange bands and large smear in western blot - (reply: 4)
DNA extraction - we want to extract DNA from bone marrow smear (reply: 2)
SDS PAGE smearing of bands - (reply: 2)
HELP!! I ruin my Native-PAGE (newbie in PAGE) - My bands seem faint smear (reply: 3)
Help! Smear in Real-Time PCR Product - (reply: 1)
Problem with smear in PCR with certain templates - (reply: 4)
Smear and fluorescent in the well, could it be DNA or ? - (reply: 1)
smears in PCR products (bisfulite treated DNA) - (reply: 4)
smear in pcr +DNA polymerase mixture for long PCR - (reply: 10)
Gel Electrophoresis Smearing Problems - Molecular biology always a mystery! (reply: 4)
Smear in long distance PCR - (reply: 39)
Smearing...... looks rly bad to me - (reply: 4)
DNA, Gel - Possible reasons for DNA Gel Smear (reply: 12)
restriction digest - smear - (reply: 1)
Smear and high background in EMSA using biotin probe - (reply: 4)
got smear on the PCR gel !!! - (reply: 4)
Smears above ribosomal RNA bands - RNA extraction from microalgae (reply: 2)
Agarose gel bands smear/ drag problem - (reply: 4)
About Smear on Agarose GEL electrophresis of miniprep purified plasmid - (reply: 7)
gDNA had smear band - problem in extraction human genomic DNA (reply: 2)
Protein SDS-PAGE thick bands / smear - (reply: 4)
genomic DNA extraction - why there appears a smear on the gel photo (reply: 11)
3īRACE problem - only smear - (reply: 4)
Is this consider smearing? - (reply: 2)
Need advice on a smear from primer-primer binding PCR reaction. - (reply: 2)
Fusion PCR, bright smear from well to end(with very weak or no band) - (reply: 1)
GEL SMEAR - (reply: 4)
Slight Smear after Digestion - (reply: 2)
Smears in Bisulfite seq. PCR - (reply: 3)
Smearing on ategarose gel of real time pcr product??? - (reply: 1)
Southern Blot smear - ... with very weak signal (reply: 8)
PCR: Smear bands, no amplification, got it all.. - PCR Mutagenesis (reply: 5)
RNA:sharp bends and a smear - (reply: 1)
Smears on PCR products - (reply: 4)
Fragment sizes after ChIP - 2 smears: one at 150bp and one at 1000/10000 pb (reply: 2)
Protein Smearing - (reply: 2)
Proven Primers Stopped working & now leave smear! - (reply: 2)
Smearing on gel in PCR products - (reply: 5)
dna smear in electrophoresis - (reply: 6)
smear for digestion - (reply: 11)
electrophoresis - Band smearing for re-pcr product (reply: 1)
Smearing/ no amplification in PCR - (reply: 3)
Help! How to get rid of a repeatedly appearing smear in my RT-PCR result! - (reply: 2)
2 bands or smear? 2-step RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
light bands, dark smear, dark dimers - (reply: 2)
Smears after transfer - (reply: 2)
Bisulfite PCR Inconsistent, often smears - (reply: 4)
Protein Smear in SDS-PAGE after concentrated? - (reply: 1)
smear on gel after tca precipitation - (reply: 3)
Smear problem with my new primer set - (reply: 2)
Smear in my restriction digest - (reply: 12)
DNA amplification but no bands on agarose gel, GC rich product, Roche - DNA amplification but no bands/smear in agarose gel (reply: 5)
Showed a bigger and broad smear of protein!! - (reply: 4)
PCR not Working = SMEAR - (reply: 3)
PCR from a smear genomic DNA ? - (reply: 5)