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Sequencing Related Discussions
  1. NGS vs third-generation sequencing - (reply: 10)
  2. Duplication of ITS-5.8s Amplicon (following Sanger sequencing and nBLAST) - (reply: 2)
  3. Sequencing virus from liver samples - (reply: 1)
  4. inconsistent and low reproducibility of bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 3)
  5. Point mutation in sanger sequencing - (reply: 2)
  6. Combining alpha and beta TCR chains for sequencing - (reply: 1)
  7. Cleaning loading dye for PCR sequencing - (reply: 1)
  8. Problems sequencing ligation product - (reply: 5)
  9. problem in sequencing of gene - (reply: 3)
  10. sequencing results - (reply: 4)
  11. Methods to Sequencing "Unknown" DNA - (reply: 2)
  12. Help with primer concentration for sequencing - (reply: 1)
  13. data analysis for direct sequencing BSP - (reply: 3)
  14. No sequencing of DNA methylation - (reply: 6)
  15. cDNA Library Construction by using kits and Sequencing - (reply: 1)
  16. Problem shrna cloning, bad sequencing results - (reply: 1)
  17. Sequencing gels equipment query - (reply: 2)
  18. bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 3)
  19. Detection of mutations in plasma samples using multiplex amplicon sequencing - (reply: 1)
  20. sequencing getting wrong 1 nucleotide :((( - (reply: 4)
  21. DNA sequencing for GC rich sequence - (reply: 3)
  22. Setting up bisulfite sequencing in lab - (reply: 26)
  23. Do I need to have a biological replicate for sequencing Virus - (reply: 3)
  24. Sending a TOPO-construct for sequencing? - (reply: 1)
  25. Can ChIP sequencing be used to make exploratory findings about histone methylati - (reply: 1)
  26. PCR and sequencing of genomic DNA - (reply: 5)
  27. AZA treatment induces the genes but bisulfite sequencing does not reveal de-meth - (reply: 11)
  28. sequencing issue - (reply: 8)
  29. Sequencing of ~3,5 kb - (reply: 11)
  30. Need help on RNA preparation for RNA sequencing - (reply: 7)
  31. genome sequencing of intracellular bacterium - (reply: 1)
  32. Picking multiple clones for sequencing two copies of the same promoter - (reply: 3)
  33. sequencing basic learning - (reply: 1)
  34. PCR product sequencing - (reply: 3)
  35. Bisulfite Sequencing and PCR Troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
  36. Causes for sequencing overlap traces in one direction but not another - (reply: 4)
  37. Frameshift mutation in DNA sequencing? - (reply: 1)
  38. Extra nucleotides in sequencing... - (reply: 3)
  39. fluorescent primer vs fluorescent terminator in sequencing - (reply: 4)
  40. Quantifying bisulfite-converted DNA (pre- and post-pcr) and direct sequencing - (reply: 2)
  41. DNA sequencing - (reply: 2)
  42. Will long exposures of DNA to UV (302nm) alter sequencing data? - (reply: 4)
  43. Cost of Sequencing by Post - (reply: 8)
  44. Sequencing of the cloned plasmid - (reply: 5)
  45. sequencing - (reply: 1)
  46. Low DNA concentration for sequencing - (reply: 5)
  47. miRNA sequencing from FFPE tissue - (reply: 3)
  48. Sequencing problem and restricition enzyme digestion - (reply: 9)
  49. How do I know the orientation of my insert in a plasmid after sequencing? - (reply: 2)
  50. dscDNA synthesis suitable for Illumina Sequencing - (reply: 1)
  51. sequencing problems - (reply: 2)
  52. Sequencing RT-PCR product - (reply: 3)
  53. Bisulfite sequencing PCR worked - (reply: 5)
  54. Sanger Sequencing RNAse Interference? - (reply: 1)
  55. Sequencing Primers and Plasmids - (reply: 3)
  56. How to join two sequencing files taken form forward and reverse primer - (reply: 3)
  57. Help - Troubleshooting cloning into pET28 - all screens positive, but sequencing - (reply: 2)
  58. cDNA sequencing - (reply: 2)
  59. Help with sequencing of a 120bp PCR product. - (reply: 9)
  60. Sanger Sequencing - Capillary Lengths - (reply: 1)
  61. DNA sequencing after ligation! HELP! - (reply: 8)
  62. Sequencing of the PCR production in BSP - (reply: 1)
  63. sequencing results - (reply: 8)
  64. New to sequencing, questions about Beckman Coulter CEQ 8000 - (reply: 3)
  65. sequencing result - (reply: 2)
  66. Problem of Direct bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 1)
  67. sequencing result doesn't match my gene.... - (reply: 5)
  68. 454 sequencing - (reply: 2)
  69. Protein sequencing gaps - (reply: 1)
  70. Sequencing of PCR product - (reply: 4)
  71. sequencing result from excised DGGE bands - (reply: 3)
  72. troubleshooting sequencing results - (reply: 7)
  73. Plasmid sequencing without primers - (reply: 1)
  74. Plasmid sequencing - (reply: 1)
  75. Sequencing shows different results when sequenced from the other end - (reply: 3)
  76. plasmid sequencing problem from single colony (mixed sequencing) - (reply: 3)
  77. sequencing trouble - (reply: 4)
  78. dna sequencing time - (reply: 1)
  79. methods for gene sequencing - (reply: 4)
  80. Sequencing trouble - (reply: 7)
  81. Direct sequencing - BSP - (reply: 1)
  82. C/G noise in direct sequencing results - (reply: 1)
  83. statistical analysis or quantitative analysis method for bisulfite sequencing r - (reply: 4)
  84. COL E1 mutations in vector after sequencing - (reply: 1)
  85. check points while preparing for sequencing - (reply: 10)
  86. wrong size in agarose gel, right size in sequencing - (reply: 7)
  87. Bisulfite treatment of DNA follow by Sequencing - (reply: 2)
  88. Direct sequencing PCR product - for bisulfite sequencing (reply: 3)
  89. Plasmid sequencing failed why? - (reply: 10)
  90. sequencing problem - (reply: 1)
  91. transcriptome sequencing help - (reply: 2)
  92. Cleaning up RT-PCR product before sequencing - (reply: 1)
  93. Is pyrosequencing necessary? - Sequencing PCR products (reply: 2)
  94. Amount of DNA to send for sequencing - linear response in signal intenstiy? - (reply: 1)
  95. Cycle sequencing (Big Dye) - (reply: 12)
  96. Sequencing miRNA qRT-PCR Products - (reply: 5)
  97. Sequencing of 18srRNA - (reply: 2)
  98. Deep sequencing adaptor question - (reply: 1)
  99. Direct PCR Sequencing of BS Products - Having trouble (reply: 1)
  100. pri-miRNA sequencing - (reply: 4)
  101. Sequencing analysis for detection of mutations - (reply: 2)
  102. Drop down during bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 2)
  103. Do you know good sequencing companies? - Sanger sequencing (reply: 15)
  104. Illumina sample prep for Multiplexed sequencing... - How does it work? (reply: 3)
  105. Bisulfite sequencing primer design query (probably simple) - (reply: 4)
  106. PCR for sequencing genomic DNA (multiple alleles) - Are there preferences for amplification of certain sequences? (reply: 1)
  107. Sequencing promoter regions - (reply: 6)
  108. difference between PCR primers and sequencing primers - (reply: 1)
  109. Forward primer not working during DNA sequencing - DNA sequencing (reply: 10)
  110. Really strange problem with sequencing and plasmid purification! - (reply: 8)
  111. Can sequencing determine carrier status???? - Something I should have thought of before......... (reply: 2)
  112. Amplification of bisulfite converted gDNA for sequencing - (reply: 1)
  113. Sequencing mistake - (reply: 3)
  114. New to sequencing, primer design - (reply: 2)
  115. protein sequencing company - (reply: 2)
  116. pcr / primer theory in bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 4)
  117. Sequencing - why are left-over PCR primers an issue? - (reply: 3)
  118. trouble in TOPO TA sequencing - (reply: 1)
  119. Feel really stupid for asking this ...Bisulfite Sequencing, help please! - (reply: 10)
  120. sequencing trace question - (reply: 1)
  121. Bisulfite sequencing is giving problem - (reply: 7)
  122. DNA sequencing question help - make up sequencing mastermix (reply: 1)
  123. Newbie to Sequencing Question - (reply: 1)
  124. help analyzing a sequencing trace - double peaks, then clean trace? (reply: 5)
  125. Miniprep and sequencing - (reply: 4)
  126. DNA Sequencing / Cloning ? - (reply: 5)
  127. Bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 3)
  128. electrophoresis/ difference between expected size and result/ what's the alt - How to confirm the band means the expected DNA? Sequencing&what else? (reply: 5)
  129. dna sequencing - (reply: 1)
  130. Help Help, sequencing not working - Sequencing-noisy (reply: 4)
  131. Bisulfite sequencing not working! - (reply: 4)
  132. PgemT-Easy sequencing primers, please rate - I am deciding which primer pairs to use for cloning (reply: 2)
  133. Basic DNA sequencing question - (reply: 5)
  134. Can normal sequencing services sequence >1kb product? - sequencing (reply: 1)
  135. How to clean-up 96-well microplates? - to re-use 96-well plates for PCR and sequencing (reply: 4)
  136. Problems with sequencing - (reply: 5)
  137. Help with data from directly sequencing BSP product... - (reply: 2)
  138. sequencing question help! - urgent! (reply: 2)
  139. Urgent! Sequencing a mixture of ssDNA fragments of the same gene - ssDNA different in size amplified from a single primer (reply: 2)
  140. Deep sequencing to find gene targets of protein? - (reply: 1)
  141. Bisulfite sequencing PCR not working - (reply: 5)
  142. bisulfite sequencing cloning problem (methylation of DNa) - bisulfite sequencing cloning problem (methylation of DNa) (reply: 3)
  143. Removing sequencing migration artefacts - (reply: 1)
  144. Sequencing of gene promoter/terminator, when you only have the AA sequence of th - (reply: 2)
  145. N-Terminal Sequencing - (reply: 2)
  146. primer for bisulfite sequencing in a known unmethylated region - is it safe? - (reply: 2)
  147. Direct sequencing of Bisulphite PCR product - (reply: 1)
  148. How to measure genome size? - Before sequencing an eukarotic genome, it needs to know the size (reply: 1)
  149. Strange Sequencing results - (reply: 4)
  150. question about bigdye sequencing reaction & capillary electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  151. Sequencing - (reply: 1)
  152. How to amplify unknown cDNA sequences from a RIP for sequencing - (reply: 1)
  153. sequencing with forward/reverse primers - (reply: 7)
  154. Bisulfite Sequencing PCR help! - BSP is Failing like Gangbusters. Please help! (reply: 6)
  155. N-terminal sequencing - (reply: 2)
  156. sequencing the reverse strand - (reply: 2)
  157. qestion about sequencing - (reply: 2)
  158. Storage of sequencing files - (reply: 1)
  159. DNA methylation analysis - direct sequencing gives CT peaks - (reply: 1)
  160. sequencing primer: T7 or T7promoter? - (reply: 4)
  161. Free ChIP sequencing analysis software? - (reply: 2)
  162. what primers should I use for DNA sequencing? please help - (reply: 2)
  163. what primers should I use for DNA sequencing?? - (reply: 3)
  164. sequencing clones after BSP : need miniprep ?? - (reply: 1)
  165. Viral genome sequencing - (reply: 10)
  166. Sequencing different colonies - (reply: 5)
  167. Sequencing - identifying backbone and deciphering insert information - (reply: 8)
  168. RNA, mRNA, sequencing... HELP - (reply: 2)
  169. Sequencing doubts - (reply: 3)
  170. Perplexing Bisulfite Sequencing Problem - (reply: 3)
  171. What would happen? sequencing question - (reply: 2)
  172. PCR, followed by sequencing... - why ?? (reply: 3)
  173. length of bisulfite sequencing reads on a ABI - my reads are not so long!!! (reply: 2)
  174. prediction of novel microRNAs from deep sequencing data? - microRNA deep sequencing (reply: 1)
  175. Strange results from bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 2)
  176. Sequencing results failed - (reply: 6)
  177. What do people use as sequencing control in ChIP-Seq - (reply: 11)
  178. Bisulfite Sequencing PCR - (reply: 4)
  179. Sequencing results analysis - (reply: 1)
  180. Sequencing - (reply: 2)
  181. Not getting good signal in sequencing - (reply: 2)
  182. GC rich DNA sequencing - (reply: 3)
  183. Direct sequencing of BSP product - (reply: 3)
  184. sequencing storage question - (reply: 2)
  185. Sequencing with ABI Prism 310 - capilares problem (reply: 1)
  186. deep sequencing miRNA - how to analyse the miRNA deep sequencing data (reply: 2)
  187. ESME software for analysis of bisulphite sequencing traces - Where can I get the full version? (reply: 2)
  188. Sequencing of scarce real-time amplicons - (reply: 1)
  189. sequencing result for primer designing - sequnce hit primer or gene? (reply: 1)
  190. Bisulfite genomic sequencing PCR - PCR conditions (reply: 7)
  191. comparison of bisulfite sequencing and base specific cleavage coupled with Mass - (reply: 5)
  192. Analysis of direct bisulfite sequencing data - (reply: 9)
  193. WHich primer to use for sequencing - (reply: 5)
  194. New Technologies Real time PCR, cloning, microarray, sequencing - (reply: 3)
  195. primers fpr sequencing - (reply: 4)
  197. Sequencing very short (60-80bp) amplicons ? - (reply: 3)
  198. sequencing problem after pcr - (reply: 4)
  199. Capillary DNA Sequencing - (reply: 6)
  200. problem in sequencing - (reply: 4)
  201. DNA sequencing analysis - DNA sequencing analysis (reply: 1)
  202. DNA sequencing analysis - DNA sequencing analysis (reply: 11)
  203. sequencing the pcr product - (reply: 15)