suggestions for a good biomath book? - (Jun/07/2009 )
I am looking for a good book that contains examples and problem sets for basic and high level math that is needed and used at the biology lab bench everyday, for example calculating dilutions, getting oligo concentrations for PCR, to calculating molar ratios of cutting enzymes.
I have searched and came upon a few, below. I am looking for one that is comprehensive in tackling biology math at the lab bench, yet is such a good book that I wouldn't have to refer to other books to get missing material or learn more.
Does anyone have their own recommendations on good biology math books or have one of the below that they found really useful?
Here are mine, but I am not sure how well one book is better over the other as I would only like to refer to one or two of these when I buy.
1. Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: A Guide to Mathematics in the Laboratory by Frank H. Stephenson
2. Lab Math by Dany Spencer Adams
3. Lab Ref by Jane Roskams
4. At the Bench: A Laboratory Navigator by Kathy Barker
5. At The Helm: A Laboratory Navigator (Handbooks) by Kathy Barker
A textbook "Invitation to Biomathematics", designed for an undergraduate course in mathematical biology and written by the project leaders, is currently in production from Elsevier/Academic Press. A lab manual of hands-on computer-assisted projects is also in press. These projects are extensions of the theory and methods presented in the text, and could be used in conjunction with the text or as separate modules in conventional biology and mathematics courses.
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