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Repost: A nice Word Addon for sequence manipulation and analysis - (Mar/18/2009 )

This Word addon is called MBCS as described in

Muller PY, Studer E, Miserez AR.
Molecular Biocomputing Suite: a word processor add-in for the analysis and manipulation of nucleic acid and protein sequence data. Biotechniques. 2001 Dec;31(6):1306, 1308, 1310-3.

The MBCS software aims to manage and expedite a wide range of sequence analyses and manipulations using an integrated text editor environment including menu-guided commands. Its independence of sequence formats enables MBCS to be used as a pivotal application between other software tools for sequence analysis, manipulation, annotation, and editing.

To use it with Word, unzip the attached zip file you will get one file named, put the file into
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Startup (depending on where you install MS office). Every time when you start Word, MBCS will lanuch automatically and you will see an additional menu item in Word. If you have problem running it in Word, maybe you have to lower the Macro security setting in Word.

Attached File


Looks good but do you have the article in pdf form? Biotechnique website has issues from 2004 in electronic format. I would like to check how to use this one under Mac.


Dear Members,

It is my pleasure to join this community.
I am a doctoral student in Japan.
I have a problem and I need help please. I was able to isolate to new unknown plasmids from halophilic bacteria and I was doing sequence of these plasmid by random DNA library construction. Now the sequence fragments of each plasmid doesnt show any overlap. I am nor sure what is the reason.
The purification was intensive to separate each plasmid but I would like to know if there is other possibilities for such a problem please.
I need your expert opinion as soon as possible.

Best Regards.


noelmathur on Wed Mar 18 07:43:09 2009 said:

Looks good but do you have the article in pdf form? Biotechnique website has issues from 2004 in electronic format. I would like to check how to use this one under Mac.

Hi noelmathur try this?


Wow this is unbelievably helpful!
