recommendation needed for a good p53 antibody - (Feb/06/2009 )
Can anyone recommend a good antibody for p53 immunofluorescence staining? Our group works with mice tissue and we are looking for a good antibody for p53 staining. I tried several ones and none of them gave good signal:(
Hi lulu-
Can you tell me exactly which antibodies you've used? I ask because I work in a laboratory dedicated to p53 research so we've used many many anti-p53 antibodies over the years, for many different applications. So, to be any help I need to know 1) which antibodies you've tried 2) the exact protocols you've tried. The more details you can give, the better. It may also help if you could tell me who you got your antibodies from.
It's tricky because we're concerned with human p53, but there's a lot of experience in our lab with using mouse cell lines (not tissue) but I think if you can give some details about antibodies/protocols/etc we might be able to help.
lulu, sorry I forgot to ask but it's really important: are you doing immunofluorescence for normal wild-type p53, or for mutant p53? One of my colleagues is expert on the differences and based on her data it makes a *huge* difference - her data basically says you will see what you want to see (depending on the antibodies you use) so you must use multiple antibodies (not together of course) to determine expression of wild-type vs. mutant p53