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How can I receive funding for blue sky research? - (Mar/08/2019 )


Is there any way to receive funding for blue sky research?

While blue sky research is supposed to be beneficial, most academics I have spoken with, devalue blue sky research and are only interested in research with at least pilot data.

Of course this is chicken and egg situation as how can you get pilot data in the first place?



Most governments in the Western world and some parts of the Eastern world provide funding for blue sky research at some level. Translational research (those aiming for a product, not just for knowledge) is more heavily funded. The trick is to phrase your blue sky ideas as translational.


However, what you have described as blue sky, is actually a pilot study, not necessarily blue sky research. It is more difficult to get major funding for pilot studies, though most universities provide small internal grants that are designed to get pilot studies done. The other way to do it is to find a researcher in the field and get them interested in your ideas - it sounds like you might have done this already. If they turned you down, perhaps it is because they know something about the field that you don't - background, technical limitations, etc. 


I got ridiculous reasons why my idea won't work. Most academics in less than top 10 universities in the UK are hideous.

UK funds only hospitals or academia.

It is extremely frustrating!

Academics are the tools, not necessarily the inventors.
