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Specific Gene Ontology procedure for Functional annotation of AphidBase Gene Ids - (Jul/25/2018 )

Holla everyone,


Right of the bat it goes that I'm new, not only to the platform, also to the field . So do excuse for misdeeds and do not hold back from giving the inevitable replies. I grow and learn as you all cooperate. 


Now we are in the middle of this bioinformatics analysis where we need to do gene ontology, covering all 3 genotypes and 5 morphs of Pea Aphid. AphidBase Ids are what we have, how do we proceed?

If you suggest any tool, elaborate the protocol. 




Guys please can I get any kind of help?

ACYPI55916-RA ACYPI55947-RA ACYPI56007-RA ACYPI56083-RA ACYPI56102-RA ACYPI56116-RA ACYPI56145-RA ACYPI56367-RA ACYPI56475-RA ACYPI56579-RA ACYPI56614-RA ACYPI56617-RA ACYPI56620-RA ACYPI56622-RA ACYPI56658-RA ACYPI56744-RA   


These are the AphidBase Ids that we are working with, now we need to do gene ontology of these. How do you proceed?


I had a look at aphidbase and there is a link for gene ontology right on the front page for your species: 


This is a pretty heavy bioinformatics area, so I'm no expert, but you might want to ask yourself "What do I want to find out?" and talk with a bioinformatician.
