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RBC Antibody Identification - (Apr/14/2015 )

RBC Antibody Identification is used to test on a pregnant woman during each pregnancy to determine whether the mother has developed any red blood cell (RBC) antibodies. What does the test result mean?


Red blood cell antibody identification is used as a follow-up test to a positive RBC antibody screen or a positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT). One of these tests is performed:

  • On a pregnant woman during each pregnancy to determine whether the mother has developed any red blood cell (RBC) antibodies
  • To confirm the presence and determine the cause of hemolytic diease of new born(HDN)
  • Before RBC transfusions as part of a "type and screen" or "type and crossmatch"
  • In the investigation of a suspected transfusion reaction
  • To help determine if hemolytic anemia may be caused by an autoantibody directed against a person's own red cells


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Results of RBC antibody identification will name the specific antibody or antibodies present in the blood of the person tested. If the antibody identified is considered clinically significant, then it will need to be taken into account with each transfusion and/or pregnancy. If an antibody is not considered clinically significant, then it is not likely to cause a transfusion reaction in the person or cause hemolytic disease of the newborn. For blood transfusions, it is not necessary to find compatible blood if the antibody identified is not likely to cause a transfusion reaction (is not clinically significant).

-Venus Timberlake-