bioinformatic books - (Apr/14/2015 )
Hi, I want to buy a book that has detailed introduction about bioinformatics. I have searched the internet and it showed so many books. I saw some people suggest Bioinformatics: Genomics and Post-Genomics. have you . Have you read this book before. If yes, how's this book? Or do you have any other suggestion?
you could try "bioinformatics for dummies"
Thank you. Have you read this book before? Can you give me more information about this book?
Hi, I have read Bioinformatics: Genomics and Post-Genomics before, I think this book maybe is more suitable for people who have basic idea about bioinformatics. But if you are new to bioinformatics, maybe you should first try bioinformatics for dummies.
An extraordinary reference book to begin from is:
Understanding Bioinformatics
Having invested energy in distinguishing the best source to truly learn bioinformatics, I was flabbergasted by the lucidity, profundity, expansiveness and fun of this Coursera specialization:
Bioinformatics | Coursera
You will get your hands filthy with genuine bioinformatics. Not exclusively will you utilize instruments yet you will make them sans preparation. Difficult however unquestionably worth all of exertion.
Have a great time!