epitope tagging of protein - (Sep/04/2014 )
Hi there,
I am trying design a strategy to epitope-tag my proteins of interest and I just want to make sure my strategy is okay.
N-terminus tagging:
forward primer: 5'-protective overhang-RE site-Kozak sequence(CAAC for Drosophila)-ATG-tag sequence-gene specific sequence(starting from the second codon)
reverse primer: 5'-protective overhang-RE site-gene specific sequence(including the native stop codon)
C-terminus tagging:
forward primer: 5'-protective overhang-RE site-gene specific sequence(including the native ATG)
reverse primer: 5'-protective overhang-RE site-stop codon-tag sequence-gene specific sequence(excluding the native stop codon)
I also have two question:
1. should the 5'UTR and 3'UTR be included? why or why not?
2. in the situation where the gene's native stop codon is not used, should i use two tandem stop codons to avoid reading through?
Thank you in advance for everyone's reply.
Looks fine. You might want to add a kozak to the forward primer for the C-terminal tagging. Don't forget to reverse complement the tag sequence for the C-terminal tag too.
1) No, think about the name UTR -that'll tell you why.
2)You can do that, ideally you should put stop codons in all potential reading frames.