DNA loading dye contents - (Sep/04/2014 )
I recently bought some new enzymes from NEB and they included a purple loading dye. According to the fact sheet (https://www.neb.com/products/b7024-gel-loading-dye-purple-6x), this dye runs at the same weight as bromophenol blue, but doesn't have a UV shadow. Does anyone know what this dye is for a homemade recipe?
I don't know what their dye is, but orange-G works well in this application, and runs completely ahead of the DNA, so there is no shadowing issue.
Here is some information and recipes on some more or less common dyes and their running speeds: link
I guess NEB tries to give not any information on the (new?) dyes to avoid self-made loading buffers (and therefore to sell more)
hobglobin on Thu Sep 4 18:10:04 2014 said:
Here is some information and recipes on some more or less common dyes and their running speeds: link
I guess NEB tries to give not any information on the (new?) dyes to avoid self-made loading buffers (and therefore to sell more)
Which is a bummer because I've used their samples of this and liked it a lot more than the homemade Ficoll dye we use =\