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ECL Substrate Choices - (Apr/16/2014 )

Hi.  I'm new to chemiluminescence western blots.  In searching for ECL substrates for use with HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies, I'm a little overwhelmed with the choices.  I'm pretty confident that I want a mid-sensitivity substrate to avoid the background issues with the ultra-sensitive substrates but there are so many choices.  Does anyone have favorites?




I use supersignal pico from Pierce.


It depends on the amount of protein you have as a band.

We usualy start with

1- Least sensitive--->  Millipore Luminata Crescendo Western HRP substrate$FILE/00112798.pdf


then, if there is no band of interest, we wash the membrane with T-TBS three times each 30 second. then we use this:


2- More sensitive---> Millipore Luminata Forte Western HRP substrate$FILE/00112798.pdf


then, if there is no band of interest, we wash the membrane with T-TBS three times each 30 second. then we use this:


3- Most sensitive---> SuperSignal West Femto Chemiluminescent Substrate


but recently we found that CellSignal ECLs are very good and we are going to use these:


6883 SignalFire™ ECL Reagent


12630 SignalFire™ Plus ECL Reagent


12757 SignalFire™ Elite ECL Reagent


7003 20X LumiGLO® Reagent and 20X Peroxide