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Rapid western blot buffer ?? - (Apr/30/2012 )


we recently bought a Bio rad trans blot turbo semi dry transfer system, when used with their proprietary reagents (precast gels and membrane transfer packs) you can transfer in 3 minutes...

with a home brew gel and the biorad transfer pack... 7 mins

with a home brew gel and my own nitrocellulose/transfer buffer (tris/glycene/methanol) .. 35 minutes...

the buffer has a unique smell, kinds like isopropanol and PVA glue...

does anybody have the inside line on its composition or can you recommend an alternative buffer recipe to improve the speed of our transfers ??



Check out the MSDS for at least some of the components.


Has anyone tried shorter transfer times with a home brew gel and my own nitrocellulose/transfer buffer (tris/glycene/methanol) or different buffer systems?

